So I guess I have missed the last 3 weeks, plus now this weeks post...that makes 4 weeks of my 52 project I need to update you on. Eeek!
52.7: My daughter at swim lessons. What is even better than her swimming so well is that I know her swim coach because I used to teach her when she was little!

52.8: Girl Scout cookie time! We spent a bunch of time sorting out those 137 boxes of cookies.

52.9: Snuggles with Daddy. These are some of my favorite memories.

52.10: Today was the last game of the season for my daughter's basketball team. She has improved SOOO much over the season, but had yet to make a basket. The ref was so sweet, and decided to help her out. She can now say she is the only one to make a slam dunk!

I promise to try to be better at posting. Hopefully as spring is approaching I will feel more motivated to share all the beautiful photos.
Great photos, Ash!